Team Status Report for 4/30

Team Status Report for 4/30

No major design changes were made this week. The most significant risk we face at the moment is tests failing close to the deadline. We’re planning to finish our testing tomorrow so we have time to make any adjustments. We also need to get a 

Team Status Report for 4/23

Team Status Report for 4/23

No changes were made to the design this week.  The BLE board we were going to fit inside the controller broke this week, so we run the risk of not having a board that fits inside the controller. We’re ordering another one to come early 

Team Status Report for 4/16

Team Status Report for 4/16

With about two weeks coming up to the end of our project, we are working on finishing the final components. We previously had stated we got all the components working in sync, however, they were not the final version such as the controller and display 

Team Status Report for 4/10

Team Status Report for 4/10

This week, we integrated all three parts of the project so that putting in a correct fingering on the flute controller would display on the webapp after going through the flow of data. We were able to show this functionality in our interim demo, as 

Team Status Report for 4/2

Team Status Report for 4/2

This week, we started integrating Angel’s and Vivian’s portions of the project, and were able to successfully send button data  from the flute controller (that Angel and Vivian created in Techspark this week) and play the corresponding note off of the RPi. The flute controller 

Team Status Report for 3/26

Team Status Report for 3/26

This week, there weren’t any major design changes made. The only change we made was to use the accelerometer off the Arduino Nano directly instead of getting a separate module. Vivian was successfully able to print out the degree change from the horizontal using the 

Team Status Report for 3/19

Team Status Report for 3/19

The week before spring break, we finished our design review report based on our feedback from our design presentation. We broke down the requirements of the design report, designated it to each group member, and assembled it throughout the week in team meetings. Following spring 

Team Status Report for 2/26

Team Status Report for 2/26

This week’s work consisted of completing and sharing our design presentation. We discussed the feedback we received from our classmates during the presentation such as the feel of buttons. We also started planning and dividing up the work for the written design review. We haven’t 

Team Status Report For 2/19

Team Status Report For 2/19

This week we analyzed the feedback from our proposal presentation and finalized the majority of the design decisions regarding the controller. The most important piece of feedback was regarding the realism and implementation of the breath control mechanism, as it is a crucial component of 

Team Status Report for 2/12

Team Status Report for 2/12

This week was our proposal presentation where we received feedback from colleagues and professors about our project. Our feedback suggests that if we want to market our project to beginners, breath control has to be a more significant aspect. This is because learning breath control