David’s Status Report for 4-23

For the week, I focused on the decision algorithm where I started to play around with the weights and seeing how they affected the decision making. This is where the bulk of my time lies. Different inputs have different weights in how they affect the spread. I also had to change our accuracy metric because the way we were measuring the accuracy was flawed. We were at first measuring the accuracy by considering the price changes and the price percent change. This was giving our predictor with accuracy ranging from 80-94%. We are now changing the accuracy rating where we scale up our mining rate and check the expected revenue from the mining pool. We also worked on the presentation that’s due Sunday. I worked on my slides and told the rest of the team to finish their slides by tonight so that we can meet tomorrow and have a meeting where we can prepare myself for the presentation next week. The ticker used for all the data was also reverted back. Using BUSD for the tickets didn’t fix the issue, instead the fix was to keep the client inside all of the api call helper functions so that it would pull the most recent data each call. 

In terms of my schedule, I think that I’m relatively on time, I’m just still waiting on receiving to work so that I can more accurately have testing metrics. It is hard to have accurate metrics to present, but we have relative numbers that we can extrapolate and present. 

I will continue to work with my teammates to implement Etereum and finish fixing receiving code. I know that Lulu has met with a TA regarding this issue and maybe has a workaround. Hopefully she can get this working soon.

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