David’s Status Report for 2-12

This week was generally more heavily focused on researching both the hardware specifications of the board we wanted to use and researching the software connections between our modules. It is imperative that we perform sufficient research into this because our aim is to maintain a low hardware cost while achieving the same performance. Settling upon the DE0-CV boards, I successfully requested and picked up some of these boards and located an area in HH 1307 to store them after giving them a quick inventory check. After delegating tasks to the other members, I ended up with the task to figure out how to connect to the Bitcoin blockchain with the Raspberry Pi, to create skeletal modules to perform the communication, and to figure out how synthesis would operate. The  bulk  of my time was focused on figuring out the connection, so only barebone modules were created, but equipped with the knowledge of these connections, I hope to catch up in the next week and create a functional module to communicate with the blockchain via our Raspberry Pi and to outline how synthesis will work so my teammates and I can refer to it as we all collectively forge ahead.

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