This week we met regularly in order to share personal updates and repository code for our working video stream with load balancing. Specifically, a new repository was made for streaming from the Amazon S3 database and the details were communicated for the necessary script additions for EC2 deployment. A similar process was done later in the week for the random and round robin proxy servers that load balanced between the streaming deployment group. We also logged several different repositories and their respective purposes; the purposes were categorized as experimental, locally working, or deployment ready.
We also managed to resolve a lengthy issue with the initial deployment of the video streaming servers. We intended to use AWS CodeDeploy to automate group deployment of many identical servers. However, this was an unfamiliar process for us and presented new problems. The issues were three-fold consisting of missing security permissions for our intended port usage, ending processes improperly managing residual files, and inaccurate file navigation in the virtual machine. We now know to keep an eye on these aspects for future deployment and benefited from a smooth deployment of the load balancing proxies. Solving major issues of individual assignments as a group worked well so we plan to continue that practice going forward.