Mitul’s Status Report for 2/12

This week I spent some time preparing for the proposal presentation I gave on Wednesday (going over the slides, practicing speaking points, and monitoring the time).

I read more about the standard AWS multi-tier server building process and found that an interactive suite can build most of the architecture at a high level except for the LBs. AWS’s LBs are not directly programmable so we will need to replace those with separate ones that will be programmed to EC2 instances.  Thus, I applied for AWS credits at the start of the week as we plan to test the multi-tier architecture’s server connections with the separate LBs as soon as possible. The building process is detailed in this link:

I also did some further research on how a load balancer’s performance can be analyzed. The paper linked below was of particular interest:

The metrics of mean response time and mean slowdown are of particular interest since the parameters can be easily obtained from LB-adjacent nodes and they are consistently insightful regardless of the situation. On the other hand, processer utilization seems only useful in low load server situations but still worth considering for enhancing analysis.

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