Chad’s Status Report for 03/19

I spent my time working with Fayyaz setting up the Jetson so I can move on to installing the Yolo object detection algorithm next and testing that.  Fayyaz and I registered the Jetson Nano on the CMU website so we could connect to Wi-Fi through the Ethernet cable in the lab.  We then connected the camera to the Jetson Nano via the CSI connector on the board.  To test this camera, Fayyaz and I cloned a repo from JetsonHacks:

With this repo, we followed the instructions in the repo to test the camera with the  There was initially a pinkish tint around the camera, but we were able to remove this  tint by following the instructions here:

We then went on to testing a simple face detection algorithm that was included in the repo.  This test can be seen in the picture below:

Next week, I plan to begin setting up the real-time detection algorithm by first cloning over repo for the Yolo algorithm and testing the detection with this algorithm.


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