This week of the project consisted mostly of me getting the Jetson to work. After receiving the Jetson, I tried flashing the OS on to the Jetson but when in boot mode, it would stay on the Nvidia Logo. After looking at this website for guidance, , I found out that there is a separate image that I have to flash ( Once loaded, there was another issue that I ran into. In order to download the necessary packages for the camera and the Lidar, internet is needed. This was an issue as there is only wired internet on the Jetson and the network did not recognize the device. After many painful hours of trying to figure out the issue, and talking to 3 different professors, we recognized to register the MAC address on the CMU website. After an hour or so, the device was connected.
From here, we installed the camera packages on the Jetson using this guide . We attached the camera and were able to run some initial tests. Below is a picture of the initial setup.
Our project is on schedule and I intend to help Ethan with the Lidar setup next week. In the next week I hope the Lidar is setup and there is a comprehensive environment such that we can take in readings from the Lidar and show them on the Jetson.