As of right now, the most significant risks that we face are the components that we choose to operate with. These are risks as they are the core and foundation of our project and if one of them were to be faulty or not operational, it would be detrimental to our to timeline and will put us behind as we look for new parts. These risks are being managed through extensive research and clear checks and balances between the three of us to ensure that when we are deciding on a product, it is being double checked with the others. If we were to chose a not so suitable product, we intend to pivot on working on our other devices and moving the schedule around.
As of now, there were no changes to our initial system as we presented our proposal this past week. You can see the presentation on our page now.
We are still in the early stages of the process right now and have a much more clear idea of the hardware we intend to use over the next week. We intend to update our team status report next week with those.