This week, I stalled working on the front end while waiting for the back end to finish and get deployed. In the meantime, I was able to start working a little bit on recipe recommendation, for which I think I will just compile a few links to different recipes based on the final fruits we end up choosing. I also worked on the ethics assignment.
I also spent time training on the old neural network, until we realized that the dataset we were using was not well-suited to our needs.
Lastly, I spent some time dealing with server instability issues, and believe I narrowed down a long term problem I had to SSD failure. I ordered a new SSD off of Amazon which should arrive next week so we can get the front end back up and continue training the neural network.
Although I fell behind on a lot of the tasks I needed to do for front-end, I feel like the end goal is still within reach and I am overcoming necessary hurdles to get there.