George’s Status Report for 4/30
All of my time last week was dedicated to preparing for the presentation on Wednesday. I didn’t work on the game code at last week.
My team and I created the presentation slides on Sunday of last week. We took some time to practice the presentation together and I also took additional time to practice it alone. After the presentation on Wednesday, I had to focus on other classes because I had other end-of-semester deadlines.
This week I will be doing the following things:
- Create poster for public demo
- Work on final report
- Finish work on health bar
- Finish work on game death loop
We are on track to have a fully working version of Hit It! on Thursday. I’m looking forward to the TechSpark Showcase on Thursday and the demo on Friday!
Team Status for 4/30
This week, the team focused largely on the presentation and getting the testing done in time. From previous playtesting, we know that there are a few playability issues that we needed to solve. This was addressed in our presentation as well. However, some of the feedback we got was that more feedback in game visuals was needed, the beatmaps were not well synched with the audio files, and the drums were not recognizing hits.
We have been invited to present at TechSpark, meaning that we need to make all of our aesthetic improvements by Thursday. While we have finals coming up, one of our challenges will be balancing the workload with the final touches we have to make on the project as well as preparing the presentation and the poster as well as the video and the demos.
Overall, this next week will be dedicated to finishing up the project (the individual tasks are mentioned on our blog posts) and finishing up the course documentation by Thursday-Friday.
Shreya’s Update for 4/30
This week, I focused mostly on testing the beat map generator. I had two main goals for the beat map at the beginning of this project. The first was to have the beat map generator take less than the length of the audio file to analyze the audio file and output a beat map generator. To test that, I ended up making about 50 maps and then computing the time it took to test it. I put the graph on our team’s slides. I think that goal is fine.
The second one with the synchronization has been trickier. It’s pretty simple to get the number of beats down to make the game playable for our audience (one piece of feedback we got), but I’m still not super sure what’s happening with the synchronization. I have this idea to only compute the most apparent beats instead of all of them to improve synchronization, but that’s something I will be testing. Unfortunately, I have a few papers and exams due, so I will probably dedicate Monday to working on this problem. This all needs to be done by Thursday for the TechSpark demo. I also have a final Thursday evening so this will likely be done between Monday and Thursday