The last task I need to finish before the public demo is the completion of the central module for our project, which will isolate the ESP32 and supporting circuitry from the user while they play the game. I spent several hours trimming down some wire headers and soldering them to a general-purpose through-hole breadboard which will help reduce the over size of the circuitry and also fix the connections in place so they cannot be jostled loose. Currently, I’m about 70% of the way done with this soldering, and this video shows the current functionality of that board:
Other than this, all I need to do is 3D print a small housing for the board once I’ve finished soldering it. This box shouldn’t be very expensive compared to the drums, as it doesn’t need to withstand any significant forces, which permits the use of thin walls. I’m expecting this module to cost around ~$15 when printed.
Regarding where I am in regards to completing these tasks, I’m confident I’ll be able to wrap everything up every next week. Most of my classes finished up this recent week with their last exam or a final project, so I have little else to work on other than these tasks, as well as the final report due at the end of next week.