Shreya’s Update 4/10

This week, I was mostly focused on the Interim Demo. Last week, I had the idea of using the STFT to separate the audio file into frequency bins to analyze through the intensity analysis. I thought this would be more efficient due to the variability of the number of bins. However, I was having some trouble implementing it.

I spoke to Professor Sullivan regarding the approach, and he mentioned that it would be better to use bandpass filters and then run an intensity analysis on that. I ended up implementing that with scipy and then running the intensity analysis on the filtered wav files.
On Wednesday, I had an odd bug where there would be no outputs during long stretches of time during the audio file. I was able to fix that by scaling the array, and then analyzing it. That issue is fixed.

Timing wise, while the algorithm takes about six minutes to analyze a three minute audio file, I should be able to get this down to three minutes as per the user requirements through streamlining the code. I will not be doing this for this week because this will likely be a finishing touch after tuning and testing the algorithm.

Currently, the beatmap seems to have an offset correlating to a song. George suggested adding a noise to the audio file whenever my algorithm detects a beat, so I should have that done by Wednesday so I can better understand whether there is an offset- or what exactly is happening.
I am fine on schedule. We have had to change the Gantt Chart which reflects our scheduling differences. The updated Gantt will be on this week’s team update.


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