Here is a list of tasks that I completed this week:
- Designed main menu
- Created and added art to gameplay screen
- Created sounds for main menu and song selection menu
- Created song selection menu
- Added fading screen transition between song selection menu and gameplay
- Added hit indicators that show how the accuracy of a player’s hit
- Fixed small bugs with sound loading and image loading
I worked mainly on SongSelectionMode.cpp, Sound.cpp, PlayMode.cpp, and FadingScreenTransition.cpp this week.
Here is a video of the current state of the game:
As you can see from the video, there is an issue with the font rendering. The text is not being shaped correctly by Harfbuzz. It looks like the lowercase letters are placed at weird locations, which makes the text look a bit silly. I’ve known about this issue for a few weeks now but I have not had the time to go back and fix it. I’m hoping that I will have the time to fix it once we start playtesting, which will happen the week of April 19.
Here is a list of sounds that I’ve created to make the gameplay feel more polished:
Here is the main menu design. I used GIMP (a free image editing software) to create the background and arrange the menu together. I used Google Drawings to create the title text and button text.
This week I did not get to all of the tasks that I had originally planned for this week. I wanted to continue working on Windows compatibility, but after discussion with the Professor and our TA during the Interim Demo we decided to not pursue Windows compatibility because it was taking too long. For now, our game will only run on MacOS.
By the end of this week I would like to have our game in a completely playable state. We need to begin playtesting soon, so it is critical that that game is fully playable by the end of next week. This will give us 1 full week to do playtesting and add any final polishing touches. I am still on track to complete all of my goals before the end of the semester.