Kelton Zhang’s Status Report for 03/05/2022

This week I mostly worked on the design report and integrating Raspberry Pi with depth camera imaging.

For the design report, I wrote the sections of abstract, introduction, use case and design requirements, bill of material, schedule, and related work. While writing the report, we realized that we need to order a belt and more vibration motors and I put in the request.

For depth camera sensing, I looked into Oak-D’s examples of edge detection, stereo depth with Ning and tested out their effects after integration into our raspberry pi main. Our initial approach will be forwarding the stereo depth processed frames, which shows depth difference without noisy features like printed text on the surfaces, to the edge detection module. The implementation will be left to after spring break.


After spring break, I will further work on integrations with Raspberry Pi and design of sensor data modeling.

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