This week, I am primarily focused on the physical prototype for our belt. We wanted to put a model of the belt together before we conduct more software testing. Using myself as a user, I have planned out the placing of our components on the belt. This mainly includes the ultrasonic sensors, vibration units, arduino board, breadboard, raspberrypi, depth camera and the battery. Overall our sketch seems to be valid. So far we have attached all of the sensors as well as the vibration units and arduino board and breadboard. A rough image of what the board would look like is included in the team report.
I will try to finish up the connection on Sunday so we can demo our current progress on Monday.
A minor arduino adjustment this week was I changed the rate in which the arduino interface sends signals to the raspberry pi. Instead of sending a data for each sensor we operate, we would be doing so for every cycle of 6 sensors.
Moving on, we would primarily focus on software testing. We are also considering improving the physica modeling to hide more of the circuit. The exact way to do this is still under discussion, but will likely be decided after our physical prototype is all complete.
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