Please find our final video on YouTube!
Please find our final video on YouTube!
This past week, I fixed up some bugs with the smart contract integration. I also helped out with the final presentation. Moreover, we worked to get the finished box together and integrated with the app. I also added more styling to the frontend. Moreover, I added better adjustibility to the demo so that we can run it more easily. This next week, I will continue finicking with some of the parameters as well as prepare for the final demo, final poster, final video, and final paper. We are currently on schedule.
This past week we worked to get the project together to its final form. We finished up the physical box/ enclosure and the prototype. We also got the algorithm to work and made adjustments to the heart rate and acceleration sensitivities based off of our testing and false positive/ false negative rates. Moreover, we did other preliminary tests such as checking to ensure that our start/ stop delay times were within the 15 second bounds we set out to do. Finally, we ran into issues with our heart rate monitor where it gives inconsistent read outs. After experimentation and an attempt to implement with a Fourier Transform, we decided that we may need to attach the heart rate monitor to the ear as it gets its best signal there. Moreover, we can detect when the heartrate monitor gives an inconsistent readout and thus only take into account the heart rate monitor information when we get a consistent readout. This next week, we will put finishing touches on the frontend as well as try to adjust the heartrate monitor to the best of our abilities. Moreover, we will put together the final presentation folder.
This past week I spent some time testing out our algorithm and adjusting specific parameters. I found that we had to decrease the noise threshold for tripping the sound parameter. I also worked on trying to fix some of the issues presented by the heart rate sensor. The sensor gives an inconsistent readout, especially on the wrist. I tried to see if it was possible to improve the readout by using a Fast Fourier Transform on the signal from the HR monitor. Unfortunately, the signal itself is not reliable enough, as if the heart rate monitor momentarily is unable to pick up a pulse, then the Heart Rate given by the fourier transform is inaccurate. Moreover, I worked to fix up some bugs. The algorithm code had some problems where it did not fail if there were 2 criteria tripped. Also, I worked on helping to improve some of the frontend style.
This past week I finished up integration with the bluetooth device as well as getting recording data from the microphone. I also wrote the algorithm to run in the Electron app based off of the collected data from the bluetooth device. Moreover, I updated the contracts to allow for seeing how many successful sessions a user has. I also did preliminary tests for the sound levels so that our constants “make sense”. I.e. I did some testing to find what sound level increases should be considered a loud increase.
I am on schedule with my parts and this next week will see a lot of algorithm testing so that we can adjust the parameters. I also plan on helping to clean up the UI/ UX to make it more presentable for the demonstrations.
This past week we each continued on working on our respective parts as well as coming together to get integration up and running. We now have the Bluetooth fully integrated and are working on smart contract integration. We put together our interim demo as well. We sorted through bugs which related to integration. We also fixed the bluetooth module which burned out. We are currently on schedule and this next week will consist of building the physical enclosure, finishing integration, and write out the algorithm. We have to change our algorithm though to account for variable acceleration positions. We plan on using the difference between the accelerometer readings.
This past week I worked to finish integrations between bluetooth and the desktop app. After experimenting with different setups, we noticed that there was no way to have the bluetooth communication and electron app run in the same process (due to node versions). We now have two separate processes running which communicate via file buffers. Moreover, I helped David with integrating the smart contract login as there were some weird Electron JS bugs with redirecting from the blockchain’s login page. Finally, I deployed the smart contracts. I initially ran into bugs relating to deployment. I was able to fix up the deploys by cleaning out my cache. We are on schedule and this next week I plan on finishing up contract, frontend integration and then working on the algorithm.
This past week I worked on the integrations between the hardware and the software. I first had to update the Electron desktop app to use a different framework so that it could integrate with the bluetooth. I then added bluetooth scanning and connecting to the electron app. There was some difficultly with getting electron to work with Linux and Bluetooth. I subsequently attempted to connect the Arduino to the Electron App. I believe that I got them to connect but the bluetooth module immediately burned out. We now have to attempt to integrate via Serial (usb cable) for the time being and then attempt to get bluetooth to fully work. This next week I plan on finnishing the integrations and working with David on the smart contract integrations. I am mostly on schedule but have to put some extra work in to catch up on Bluetooth integrations.
This past week we each continued working on our respective parts so that we can get to integration as fast as possible. We figoonished up the frontend part which is not linked to the smart contracts. The smart contracts are also ready to be integrated with the frontend. We are mostly on schedule but need to put in a good bit of work integrating the frontend and smart contracts.
This past week I have expanded upon the smart contract testing as well as found a few bugs. For example, there was a bug with data storage on the blockchain that testing caught. I then debugged and fixed it. Moreover, I started outlining how integration will occur. I also attended the ethics sessions as well as grabbed the parts which were delivered. Overall, we are mostly on schedule but need to work hard to get integration in on time.