This past week we worked to get the project together to its final form. We finished up the physical box/ enclosure and the prototype. We also got the algorithm to work and made adjustments to the heart rate and acceleration sensitivities based off of our testing and false positive/ false negative rates. Moreover, we did other preliminary tests such as checking to ensure that our start/ stop delay times were within the 15 second bounds we set out to do. Finally, we ran into issues with our heart rate monitor where it gives inconsistent read outs. After experimentation and an attempt to implement with a Fourier Transform, we decided that we may need to attach the heart rate monitor to the ear as it gets its best signal there. Moreover, we can detect when the heartrate monitor gives an inconsistent readout and thus only take into account the heart rate monitor information when we get a consistent readout. This next week, we will put finishing touches on the frontend as well as try to adjust the heartrate monitor to the best of our abilities. Moreover, we will put together the final presentation folder.