Jonathan’s Status Report for 04/09/2022

This week, I worked on differentiating a double winking signal from other signals. I tried different kinds of features obtained from the raw input data to accomplish this. I mainly am trying to find a “second peak” within an input signal and need a convenient statistic to measure this attribute. I attempted to take the input samples and try to find maximums over smaller periods of time, like 0.2 seconds, and observe the top two values obtained from this procedure to use as predicting whether a signal contains a double blink or not. However, it has proven difficult to create linearly separable data that can generalize to a live system using this method. Due to Carnival, I did not have the opportunity to continue troubleshooting this problem and this will be my primary focus next week. Whatever statistical features I test next week can generalize to detecting a triple blink occurrence, also, which should also be projected to be complete next week. I am currently aligned with the schedule as we originally did not intend to do much work during Carnival weekend in our plan.  


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