This week, I finalized the mapping between the user’s action and the intended movement on the keyboard. The left shoulder EMG will move the keys in either a left or down motion depending on the mode and the right shoulder EMG will move the keys in either a right or up motion depending on the mode. A user will perform a right wink to switch between the modes and a double blink will be synonymous to a left blink. I added a cursor button to the keyboard that will disappear and reappear from the screen when clicked on. I also added the functionality of where the cursor will not move when the arrow keys are pressed because we do not want the cursor to appear when the user is in the keyboard mode of our interface. Unfortunately, I am a little bit behind schedule; I had intended to get the event dispatch on the frontend working this week, but I was busy with other coursework that I was not able to focus on reading the documentation and tinkering around with it. However, I am going to be working on it tomorrow and this week and I hope to get back on schedule. This way, I can work with Jonathan on the backend to ensure that the EEG-controlled actions work as we intend for them to.