This week, I gathered and labeled more training data for our model and helped conduct further testing. Since our model’s classification varies in lighting, I helped gather more images in dim lighting to account for this difference. Right now, our test accuracy is just below 98% (but above 97%), so we are very satisfied with the accuracy results. One of our initial goals to account for lighting changes was to have a custom enclosure. I spent a few hours serving as an extra pair of hands for Ethan to build an enclosure for our card shoe, but our enclosure impaired our camera captures. As a result, we might not use the actual enclosure in our final product.
I spent some time working on our final poster and writing a script for my part of the final video. Finally, I also added an “edit” widget to allow users to make edits to the web application if a card was classified incorrectly. I am on schedule, but the next 5 days will be very hectic to get all our required deliverables done (poster, video, demo, and report). Tomorrow will be dedicated to finishing our poster and video. Then, the majority of next week will consist of writing our final report.