Jackson’s Status Report for 4/3

This week, I worked a lot more on monitoring. By the end of last week, I was able to send peer-to-peer text messages between two unique users. This week I extended that to allow for audio streams to be sent, and to work with an arbitrary number of users. These changes required a complete restructuring of all the monitoring code I wrote last week and the week before.

As a reminder, I’m using the WebRTC (real-time communication) API which comes built-in on your browser. WebRTC uses objects called RTCPeerConnection to communicate. I explained this in detail last week, so I won’t get into it here. The basic idea is that each connection requires both a local RTCPeerConnection object and a remote RTCPeerConnection object. If WebRTC interests you, there are many tutorials online, but this one has been by far the most helpful to me.

Connections with Multiple Users:

Last week, I created one local RTCPeerConnection object and an arbitrary amount of remote RTCPeerConnection objects. This made intuitive sense, since I want to broadcast only one audio stream, while receiving an arbitrary number of audio streams from other users. However, this week I learned that each local connection can only be associated with ONE remote user. To get around this, I created an object class called ConnectionPair. The constructor is simple and will help me explain its use:

Each peer-to-peer relationship is represented by one of these ConnectionPair objects. Whenever a user chooses to initiate a connection with another user, a ConnectionPair is created with 4 things:

  1. A new local connection object (RTCPeerConnection)
  2. A new remote connection object (RTCPeerConnection)
  3. A gain node object (GainNode from the web audio API) to control how loud you hear the other user)
  4. The other user’s username (string) which serves as a unique identifier for the ConnectionPair. You can then retrieve any ConnectionPair you’d like by using another function I wrote, getConnection(<username>), whose meaning is self-evident.

So why is this useful? Well, now there can be an arbitrary amount of ConnectionPair objects, and thus you can establish peer-to-peer connections with an arbitrary amount of users!

Sending Audio Over a WebRTC Connection:

Since the WebRTC API and the web media API are both browser built-ins, they actually work very nicely with each other.

To access data from a user’s microphone or camera, the web media API provides you with a function: navigator.MediaDevices.getUserMedia(). This function gives you a MediaStream object, which contains one or more MediaStreamTrack objects (audio and/or video tracks). Each of these tracks can be added to a local WebRTC connection by the function RTCPeerConnection.addTrack(<track>).

And finally, to receive audio on your remote RTCPeerConnection, you can just use the event handler RTCPeerConnection.ontrack, which is triggered every time the remote connection receives a track. This track can be routed to your browser’s audio output, any type of AudioNode (for example, a GainNode, which simply changes the volume of an incoming signal), and out.

User Interface Improvements:

Finally, I added a little bit to the UI just to test the functionality mentioned above. On the group page, here is how the users are now displayed:

In this group, there are 3 members:

  1. Jackson (the user whose screen you’re looking at in this screenshot)
  2. TestUserFname (a test user, who is currently offline)
  3. OtherTestUserFname (another test user, who is currently online)

Next to every online user who isn’t you, I added a button which says “send my audio.” This button initiates a peer-to-peer connection with the user it appears next to. Once the connection is opened, the audio from your microphone is sent to that user.

Lastly, next to each online user, I added a slider for that person’s volume, allowing users to create their own monitor mixes.

We are still a bit behind schedule, since I thought I would have peer-to-peer audio monitoring working a few weeks ago, but I hope it’s clear that I’ve been working very hard, well over 12 hours/week to get it working! The biggest thing I can do to get us back on schedule is continue working overtime. As I said last week though, I think the hardest part is behind us.

With monitoring finally working, I can move onto testing and really driving the latency down. For next week, I will implement the latency and packet loss tests described in our design review and work on getting the numbers to meet our requirements (<100ms latency and <5% packet loss rate).

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