This week was a bit hectic for me. Given my housemates positive COVID test much of my early week got thrown into disarray and so I spent a lot of time getting everything in order from academics to athletics.
In terms of progress made on my sections of the project there was very little, since I was unable to meet with the rest of the group I was unable to get my code uploaded to the board so I’m working on getting it uploaded to the GitHub so the others can do it. This meant I couldn’t make much in the form of further progress on this part of the project. I have started looking into writing a Matlab script to determine if an image is blurry by using a 5×5 averaging kernel and convolving it over an image and finding the average difference for all pixels. The threshold then to determine if an image is blurry or not would be determined by finding the average value for this when doing it over all of Matlabs native pictures.
Now of note is that this part of the project may not be used in the final product, it might be another one of our CNNs, but due to my state of mind after getting the news about my housemate’s positive test I wanted to work on something that was not as complex and gave a sense of progress.