Advaith’s Status Report for 3/13/2021

  • Accomplishments
    • Finished initial implementation of the local planner in simulation. The robot can avoid obstacles while still going through waypoints
    • Assembled robot base hardware.
    • Helped test the motors and motor controller
    • Tested the GPS sensor’s raw data output on campus sidewalks
      • This looks promising, as GPS is usually accurate to 3-5m. These data are within the sidewalks most of the time, and I think combining this with wheel odometry and IMU data can lead to accurate localization.
  • Schedule Progress
    • We are on schedule for our project. We got the parts and have made good progress this week on our deliverables
  • Deliverables for Next Week
    • Run the localization algorithm independently using the IMU, GPS, and camera
    • Integrate motor controller using UART
    • Fine tune the collision avoidance algorithm.

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