Team Status Report for 5/8/2021
This week we improved our pen tracking algorithm by incorporating acceleration data into pipeline. Professor Kim suggested using a weighted algorithm to do this and thus, we were able to implement acceleration data in our algorithm by playing with the weights of the acceleration vs. openCV/gyroscope outputs.
We also finished creating the rest of our GUI and completing the calibration code.
In terms of our GUI, we added a delete button so that the user could delete the custom hand gestures that they add. Additionally, we completed the code for our callibration mode and linked that with the GUI.
We also spent a fair amount of time soldering our parts together onto a PCB board so that it wouldn’t have to be on a breadboard. However, we were not able to finish this task due to a sudden COVID case in our vicinity.
Finally, we worked on our logistical assignments to prepare for the upcoming week as well — the poster, our final report, and our demo video.