Bradley’s Status Report for 4/10/21

This week, I worked more on the pen tracking algorithm as well as integration with mouse movement. After observations that the kalman filter was quite slow and didn’t result in a noticeably more accurate result, I removed that for now. I also observed that the time for PyAutoGui to move the cursor was around 0.1-0.13 seconds, which is much too slow and does keep up with the rate the arduino gets data. I replaced PyAutoGui with pywin32, which increased the speed by about 10x. A current flaw of our code is that it doesn’t account for gyroscopic rotation yet. Therefore, the tracking only works when held in one orientation. To solve this issue, we decided we needed a more featured IMU. We settled on the BNO055 and ordered that and are waiting for it to arrive. I also researched algorithms to account for the gyroscopic rotation to keep track of orientation.

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