Team Status Report for 3/20/21
This week, we met up multiple times to finish the design report and move forward in building our project. We got some good feedback from the professor and TA in details that our project was missing. We are doing our best to turn this into a working project and get a better idea of how much lag there will end up being since this will be a defining characteristic of our project. We have started assembling the hardware pieces with a breadboard and working on the software as well. We have some OpenCV working and are working on training our gesture recognition model. We also have started working on the receiving of bluetooth data for our pen software. We’ve pivoted to using a different bluetooth library, Bleak, that makes use of BLE technology for less power consumption. At this point, since our largest risk is the pen’s lag, we will be inputting sample bluetooth data (since our pen isn’t able to send data fully yet) to the software and using timing code to try and predict the speed of our program. Below are some photos of our progress: