Jade Wang’s Status Report for 3/13/21
This week, I finalized the Design Presentation Slides, wrote speaker notes, and practiced/rehearsed my presentation. In doing so, I flushed out more details regarding metrics and validation with Jenny and Bradley.
We received a lot of in-depth feedback for our presentation regarding content. Something important that was noted was that our project felt like it was ‘implementation drive’ rather than ‘design driven’. The professor also suggested several details that we needed to discuss as well, like pre-testing some timing measures of the Python module that we planned on using, and more specific definitions of inputs/outputs of the modules. Essentially, I realized that our initial design was not specific enough and that are a lot of details we have to write out more in our Design report, so that will be one of our main focuses this week.
I met with Jenny and Bradley again this week to delegate work for our Design Report. We will be meeting again before class on Monday to reconvene on our respective parts of the project.
So far, I’ve written some of my “Architecture” section and also created a new overall system block diagram to put in our report. Also, our parts finally arrived so we will start tinkering with them and assembling the pen on a breadboard.