Team Status Report for 3/6/2021
This week we worked on finalizing the design review presentation. We met 4 times this week to talk about the system design and making sure everyone had the same vision for the project. We finalized how each part was going to communicate with each other, how the hardware and software components would link together, and how the overall system would run.
Below are the hardware and software designs for Magic Mice.

Finally, we finalized our schedule, testing metrics, and implementation plan moving forward with the updated design. For testing, we refined it so that each branch in logic had a test. We incorporated unit tests, accuracy tests for hand expressions (95% accurate by splitting training data), and resolution tests (ensure a thin line is visible on the wall projection).
Also, our parts have been ordered and we expect them to arrive this week. We ordered multiple parts to manage against the risk that we would break something and to have multiple iterations/prototypes of the device at once.