This week, we worked on getting our mirror demo ready. One of the biggest challenges we ran into was downloading openpose onto the Jetson Xavier NX. There wasn’t any documentation on how to do it on the openpose website, but we found a blog that detailed the steps to download. However, after we downloaded it, we would run openpose and we would just see a gray screen. I redownloaded openpose three times on the Jetson and we encountered the same issue each time. After meeting with Marios, we realized that the gray screen meant that the display wasn’t working, but openpose itself was working. Then, I worked on connecting openpose to the arducam, but I am also running into issues because openpose isn’t recognizing the camera. When I run it will say that the camera was detached. I am thinking that a work-around could be to record the body, then download that recording and send it to openpose to analyze. However, this may take a lot more time and we want to keep it to a 3.5 second latency so I may have to do more research on connecting the arducam to openpose.