Zixuan’s Status Report for 3/13/2021

This week I gave the design review presentation and worked on pose comparison. By getting the coordinates of the key points detected by OpenPose, I am able to compute the angles (R1, L1, R2… L4) between limbs as indicated on the image below.

We can compare the poses by computing the differences between the standard angles and the user’s angles. I tested it with some images and this comparison method worked well overall for front-view poses. For side-view poses, since some of the limbs are hidden behind the body, I skipped the undetected key points and only compared the valid angles. I will do more tests to see if some specific poses need to be handled separately.

I have been trying to figure out details about pose alignment. I also did some research on dynamic time warping, especially its implementation and use cases.

I think I am on schedule. Next week I will continue to work on the design report. I will also work on pose alignment, try to use/implement DTW to accommodate workouts at different speeds and test it with videos.

Maddie’s Status Report for 3/13/2021

This week (wk 6) I worked on board setup, though I did not get as far along as I had planned.  Since I hadn’t worked with a Jetson board in the past, I didn’t anticipate how much difficulty I would have with setup on a Mac OS.

I managed to get Ubuntu running on my Mac with VirtualBox (I had a lot of unforeseen issues with VirtualBox install that led to setbacks, but I was able to resolve them).  I also set up my Nvidia developer account to help me with the TX2 developer kit.

Though I fell behind on my personal schedule this week, I have laid out a stricter schedule for myself for this upcoming week to make sure I get caught back up to speed.  I plan to use Sunday through Tuesday specifically for finishing setup with OpenPose on the TX2.  (I will also be working on the design report with my team due Wednesday.)  Then I can dedicate the rest of the week to working with Sarah on the workout library and construction algorithm.

If I follow this plan for week 7, I will be back on schedule by the end of the week.

Sarah’s Status Report for 3/13/2021

This week, we were able to decide that we will use AWS to store our exercise library. I still need to request those credits through the form. I will do that after this status report. I also realized that some of the gifs I made last week got corrupted somehow (didn’t loop correctly), so I remade them. I found more workout videos to use for our library, I just need to create the gifs for them. So, I didn’t actually end up parsing new videos this week.

My progress is behind schedule because I wasn’t able to devote as much time as I wanted to this class. I ran into issues with projects from other classes (Distributed, mainly), so that took a lot of time away from this class.

To catch up, I hope to actually start on the scoring algorithm, and meet with Maddie to work on the exercise library/construction algorithm. I have created a calendar on my phone that I hope will help me track my assignments better, and break my tasks down into smaller segments. I think this will help me devote a more equal amount of time to this project and my other classes.

Team Status Report for 3/13/2021

This week we received feedback from our design review presentation. One of the most significant risk was comparing the poses at different speeds. Our plan was to select specific frames from the user input based on time and compare them with the poses from the workout library, which would not work if someone is doing the exercises much faster/slower. We are looking in to dynamic time warping as suggested by Prof. Savvides, and trying to apply that in our project to correct what we compare by looking for the best alignments between time series.

We also need to figure out more quantitive and detailed ways to measure accuracy of pose alignment and comparison. We planned to test it with different body types and poses, and check whether it can align the points and distinguish the poses correctly.

We started working on our design review report.