Maddie’s Status Report for 3/13/2021

This week (wk 6) I worked on board setup, though I did not get as far along as I had planned.  Since I hadn’t worked with a Jetson board in the past, I didn’t anticipate how much difficulty I would have with setup on a Mac OS.

I managed to get Ubuntu running on my Mac with VirtualBox (I had a lot of unforeseen issues with VirtualBox install that led to setbacks, but I was able to resolve them).  I also set up my Nvidia developer account to help me with the TX2 developer kit.

Though I fell behind on my personal schedule this week, I have laid out a stricter schedule for myself for this upcoming week to make sure I get caught back up to speed.  I plan to use Sunday through Tuesday specifically for finishing setup with OpenPose on the TX2.  (I will also be working on the design report with my team due Wednesday.)  Then I can dedicate the rest of the week to working with Sarah on the workout library and construction algorithm.

If I follow this plan for week 7, I will be back on schedule by the end of the week.