Vinay's Status Report
Vinay’s Status Report for 4/26/20
This week I focused on completing integration and preparing for the final presentation. Last week I was struggling with how to divide the journal entries into sentences. Google Speech Recognition works best on 5 second snippets of audio. Additionally, the library is not able to recognize sentence boundaries. My solution Read more…
Vinay's Status Report
Vinay’s Status Report for 4/18/20
I’ve reached 60% overall accuracy for the 7 categories (6 emotions + neutral). I’ve started to work on integration. I’m able to read speech from the computer mic and analyze it using python’s SpeechRecognition library. Right now, the program listens to a user until it hears a second of silence, Read more…
Team Status Report for 4/11/20
This week our group continued to work on our individual modules. Patrick trained around 60000 images for his facial emotion recognition and will add a secondary SVM for detecting emotions that are harder to tell apart. Vinay finished his first iteration of training for textual sentiment analysis. Yoojin added video Read more…
Vinay's Status Report
Vinay’s Status Report For 4/11/20
This week I finished the Google speech to text pipeline and a test script to demo my best network. I’m working on increasing my accuracy past 65%. I’m expecting to hit 70% accuracy next week. Additionally, I will work on creating a better dataset to train my final network on. Read more…
Vinay's Status Report
Vinay’s Status Report for 4/4/20
This week I trained finished training a few networks. The highest accuracy I achieved was 53% which is less than ideal. I trained on 40,000 tweets scraped from twitter and did some minimal preprocessing. Going forward, I want to implement the Google speech to text pipeline and train the network Read more…
Vinay's Status Report
Vinay’s Status Report for 3/28/20
With the transition to online classes, I will no longer be building and designing the physical product for our project. Additionally, I will no longer need to manage porting code to the Raspberry PI or worry about its limited capabilities. The core of my workload going forward will consist of Read more…
Vinay's Status Report
Vinay’s Status Report for 3/21/20
This week we mainly planned on how to reform our project in order to work on it remotely. I was formerly responsible for designing and building the physical product. We have decided that is not viable to pursue this goal. Additionally, we are no longer using a Raspberry PI to Read more…
Vinay's Status Report
Vinay’s Status Report for 3/7/20
This week I mostly worked on our design report. I also worked on setting up google speech to text and using sklearn’s word vectorizer. With two emotions, I was able to achieve around 80% accuracy with the word vectorizer. Going forward, I’m planning to work on the LSTM-CNN for textual Read more…
Team Status Report for 2/29/20
This week we focused on finalizing our design review slides and document. It allowed us to finalize important details in our architecture. We plan to have the basic framework for our networks by the time we come back from Spring Break in order to start training. Then we can start Read more…