This week I worked on the web application for our project. I set up the application using Django, and set up the database using mySQL.
The two objects we have right now are emotion and entry; “emotion” will be used to categorize the emotions of the journal entries as well as send the evaluated emotion to the raspberry pi. “entry” will be the journal entries that the raspberry pi sends to the web app.
Database shown below, may (probably) add more fields and models later.
Also began working on the front-end a bit. I don’t have a lot of experience with front-end or design so this may be a slow process. Pretty basic and empty design right now shown below, hope to make it look better by next week.
Added a feature that will not officially be a part of the final web app, “Add a New Entry”, for the purpose of testing the database and application. We may keep it in if we later find it beneficial for the user to also directly enter text entries to the web app, but for now the goal is just to be able to view the entries submitted through E-MO.
Progress is on schedule, though initially we planned for the front-end portion to be finished first, I think it makes sense for the front-end to be finalized later.
Next week I hope to implement more features on the app, for example the “search by emotion” function with some fake journal entries. Also need to look up how sending HTTP requests with a Raspberry Pi works, because I’ve never worked with an rPi before. Add more to the UI as well.