Camera takes two pictures per seconds and saves pictures of raspberry pi
Almost finished speaker circuit (ran into some issues with soldering => using breadboard and wires & missing battery for circuit)
Downloaded dlib onto raspberry pi
Set up a virtual environment on the raspberry pi
Working with Aria to install opencv on raspberry pi
- Added Authorization and Authentication such that you must create an account and must be logged-in in order to access your profile which is where you can add people to recognize.
- Did more of the front end of the device page
- Started beck end models and forms. Stuck on having multiple pictures be part of a model.
- Javascript Drag and Drop.
- Working on having it recognize two people in a picture
- Uploaded new test image
- Working with Mary to get virtual environment set up so i can send her my files and integrate
- Tried creating environment yaml file, Mary had trouble installing dependencies
- Tried creating a spec_file.txt to create environment, Mary got slightly further but still had trouble with dependencies
- Finally created environment from scratch and began installing all packages, having trouble installing opencv again, surprise surprise
- Have another tutorial in mind to try, so we will try that