#3: Picking it up…


  • Gathered images of team mates
  • Gathered images of non faces
  • Don’t know yet whether or not the model will like the images I got
  • Will sit down with Avi and discuss and get things working


  • Continued working on web app. Decided to add a link to the report from our page. Still thinking about how to input data but still need to decided how the data is collected for recognition.
  • Worked on the Design Review.


  • Contributed to design report/presentation
  • All parts finally came in
  • Setting up RPi with SD card
  • Setting up camera

#2: Getting started


  • Ran Ubuntu vm, didn’t work
  • Ran conda vm, didn’t work
  • Tried a different pip install command, it worked
  • Began collecting images of teammates in different orientations in different lighting with different expressions
  • Need to collect non face images


  • Logo:
    • Created logo with the idea in mind that it most be simple with not many colors. Decided to make it look like a regular word (Monserrat font) with just the ‘og’ in RecognEyes changed to look like glasses covered by a bounding box. Made sure the logo was an svg in order to make it web friendly, efficient, and accessible from multiple browsers and devices.
  • Web Design:
    • Stablished a design objective of the website: elderly accessible yet modern looking. Inspired by Snapchat’s Spectacles website as the glasses design is very similar to what we had in mind.
  • Database:
    • Began planning on how the data into the database must be handled for an user friendly experience.
  • Web App:
    • Website as a whole is being worked on.


  • Tested rpi works
  • Set up rpi
  • Need to test set up
  • Need to test camera
  • Awaiting more parts

#1: Setup


  • Installing OpenCV:
    • tried pip installing it, failed on some dependencies and also did not tell me which ones
    • tried following a tutorial, required installation of many unnecessary things like VS Code, so I stopped following it
    • tried following a different tutorial, gave me an error when it shouldn’t have
    • tried making a virtual environment to install it, because maybe I have too many conflicting packages
      • successfully created a v-env
      • tried installing OpenCV in the v-env, failed on dependencies so I will try some other things


  • WebApp:
    • Started webapp project and MVC.
    • Researched elderly friendly webdesign as well as started the total design of the website.
    • Decided to follow Spectacles design, as it is a smart glasses website that works well for young adults, while with a little bit of refinement can be a good website for the elderly as well.
    • Began home page design on our RecognEyes site, with a nav bar and body sections.