- Set up camera
- Working on getting camera to take 2 pictures per second
- Mary’s Projected Schedule – Gantt Chart
- Updated Risk Management:
- My RPi is separate from facial recognition RPi
- Now I have to upload pictures taken from camera to web app so Aria can access data to perform facial detection algorithm.
- Pool data will now consist of fewer people and no longer include Angelo and Aria since Mary has RPi
- Still may haveĀ some skewed statistics, meaning our accuracy, false positive rate, and false negative rate
- May include family members in data pool
- Continued doing Front End for the home page of the web application.
- Updated Website:
- Better Home Page
- Links will send to sections for now and won’t send to new page.
- Updated Gantt Chart to fit into new virtual schedule
- Started following tutorial
- Thought about how to set up rpi
- Found problems with having to set up rpi
- Do not have all the parts necessary to set up rpi
- Have not had any problems with facial recognition so far