I was able to get OpenPose running on the computer and I started to work on the gesture recognition using pose data from a video that was processed using OpenPose. I’m devising a way to use the pose of the hands to recognize a large clap.
I’m also looking into different action recognition “libraries” (other github projects) to do action recognition on a play pause wave.
I’ve also been able to get the Kinect working with OpenPose using libfreenect2.
Deliverables next week
Hopefully by the end of this week I’ll be able to get some basic gesture recognition using distance and frame numbers. I want to be able to recognize claps and stomps. This will still be on processed video, and when we get the Xavier Board we will be able to see if these work in real time, even with high latency.
I think that I’m still on schedule, although I think that using machine learning classification to recognize claps and stomps will be a little more challenging than I initially thought.