Jeff’s Status Report For 02/15

This week, I worked on designing and planning our approach to testing and validation for our design review, something that we told we had to add more detail in. We decided on an automated approach where we word play video of various different gestures at different intervals, distances, and lighting conditions. This would test the rate of how many gesture we could correctly identify (our requirement was at least 1 gesture per second), as well as performance at different distances and lighting conditions. The video would be synced to the Jetson, so the final output and final time, could be checked with the gesture given, allowing us to also keep track of accuracy and time of individual gestures.

In addition, I was also researching different Web Frameworks and the best way to implement our Web Application. After doing some research, I decided to go with Django due to a lot of useful features like built in authentication, integration with SQLite (database included with Python), as well as being in Python, a language we are all very familiar with. After choosing Django, I began learning and setting up a simple Web Application.

Finally, I set up the WordPress and researched the display part that we would need to not only work on the Jetson Nano with but also to be used in our final project do display visual information back to the user.