This week, I worked with Claire and Sung on refocusing our project so that we could work with little physical interaction. We also fixed our gesture list after noticing from before Spring Break that some gestures that did not show the wrist or showed only the back of the hand were not recognized by OpenPose.
Furthermore, I continued to work on the web application. I set up Docker to run Redis, which will allow the channel layer. This will allow multiple consumers to connect to the web socket and send information, ie the command that our algorithm has recognized as well as the response from Google Assistant SDK.
In addition, I began to get myself familiarized with OpenCV which is to be used in conjunction with our designed glove for a less computational intensive alternative to OpenPose. I began experimented with OpenCV and marker tracking, which is something I will continue next week. The glove currently is simply a latex glove with a marker indicating the key points. I may switch to using a more permanent marker like tape in the future.