This week I continued to work on the web application, working again on setting up the channel layer and web socket connections. I also decided to work more on setting up the Jetson Nano to run OpenPose and OpenCV, as finalizing the web application was less important than catching up to the gesture recognition parts of the project.
Getting OpenPose installed on the Jetson Nano was mostly smooth, but had some hiccups on the way from errors in the installation guide that I was able to solve with the help of some other groups that installed on the Xavier. I was also able to install OpenCV which went smoothly. After installing OpenPose, I tried to get video streaming working to test the FPS we would get after finally getting our camera, but I had difficulties getting that setup. Instead, I just experimented with running OpenPose in a similar fashion as Sung had been doing on his laptop. Initial results are not very promising, but I am not sure if OpenPose was making full use of the GPU.
Next week is spring break, so I do not anticipate doing much, but after break I hope to continue to work on the Nano and begin OpenCV + glove part.