Accomplishments this week
- Working on editing the demo video with material provided by Candy and Tracy
- Mainly worked on adding scripts for the video and displaying them at the correct time
- Also added transitions between video clips
- Designed the flow for how the demo video should look like
- Worked with Tracy on the connection between AWS and raspberry pi
- Finished fetching flip signal from AWS and trigger a flip on motors and the servo
- Created an IoT Thing with IoT core service, which is a new device that connects and communicates with the MQTT broker.
- Created a certificate with this device and created policy so that device can communicate with the platform
- Create an application on AWS can pick device type to be raspberry pi
- Flash the application onto the raspberry pi
- Push the application code to cloud
- Converted certificate to base64 in order to use them
- Added environment variables like endpoint, private key, root certificate and thing certificate
- Now the device communicates with our web application and signals can be sent to the device which causes motors and servo to turn
Progress for schedule
- On schedule
Deliverables I hope to accomplish next week
- Finish writing report and finish the demo video