Significant risks for the project we managed this week:
We Worked on the connection between AWS and raspberry pi and successfully implemented the communication channel.
- Finished fetching flip signal from AWS and trigger a flip on motors and the servo
- Created an IoT Thing with IoT core service, which is a new device that connects and communicates with the MQTT broker.
- Created a certificate with this device and created policy so that the device can communicate with the platform
- Create an application on AWS can pick device type to be raspberry pi
- Flash the application onto the raspberry pi
- Push the application code to cloud
- Converted certificate to base64 in order to use them
- Added environment variables like endpoint, private key, root certificate, and thing certificate
- Now the device communicates with our web application and signals can be sent to the device which causes motors and servo to turn
We worked on the demo video and almost finished recording.
- The software demo starts with user registration, connecting to the page flipper, and start a playing session. Three different playing sessions are shown in the demo, each with a different percentage of errors made during the performance, different levels of the sheet music, and different repeat patterns in the sheet music. Under all circumstances, the tracker program works perfectly on updating the position and sending out the flip signal.
- the script for the demo video which can be found here
Changes made to the existing design of the system:
- N/A
An updated schedule if changes have occurred:
- N/A