Accomplishments this week
1.Updated CAD Shaft
- The CAD shaft has left end height 10mm, right end right 30mm, and length 200mm. The left end from the figure below is where M1 lift the shaft. The right end is where the servo will be assembled to control the wheel.
- The extrusion is currently set to 3mm, but needs a finalized value after I talk with my TA and Quinn about what material the class could provide.
- Because of the shape of the received servo, I updated the design of the shaft such that the servo can sits on the middle rectangle and get tightened through the screw holes. I also left a 5mm padding on the boarder.
2. CAD Flipper
The flipper has length 120mm and height 10mm, and the motor shaft hole has diameter 5mm.
3. Setup Raspberry Pi
- Follow tutorial setting up Raspberry Pi
- Downloaded lite Raspbian image
- Burn Raspbian image to SD card
- Added network info into Pi boot
- ssh pi@raspberrypi.local still returns “Could not resolve hostname raspberrypi.local”
4. Parts Assembly
- The Adafruit driver, Pi extension, and servo has all arrived. Although I haven’t soldered the extension header, I have assembled the parts together to get a general idea of how the finalized system will look like.
5. Design Presentation
- This week I spent most time working on the slide and preparing for the presentation.
Progress for schedule:
- On schedule
Deliverables I hope to accomplish next week:
- SSH Pi
- Run stepper motor sample code with the Adafruit driver