Accomplishment this week:

1. Design of mechanical system

For the mechanical flipper, M1 needs to have high power to flip the shaft and motor, M2 need to be very light weighted to make the flipping easier for M1. M3 needs to be small to fit between M1 and the music book.

2. Choose stepper motor driver

I found a couple options for the stepper motor driver compatible for Raspberry Pi, but most of them can only get up to two stepper motors (2 Stepper Motor example). Only the driver from Adafruit are stackable that it can run more than two stepper motors.

3. Ordered parts

Adafruit Stackable Motor Driver

Raspberry Pi Extra Tall Stacking Header


4. Picked up parts rom ECE hub

EDE 134: Raspberry Pi 3 Model B+

EDE 150: Stepper Motor


Progress on schedule:

Design mechanical system: On schedule

Control stepper motor with Raspberry Pi: delayed due to part shipment delay


Deliverables hope to accomplish next week:

CAD shafts and flipper

Order M2

Receive M3


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