Tag: Status Report

Team Status Update for 02/29

Team Status Update for 02/29

This week we ordered all our parts that we finalized in the design review except for the microphones. We checked in with the front desk to see if the parts had arrived but they have not been approved yet, so we are waiting on them! 

Shrutika’s Status Report for 02/29

Shrutika’s Status Report for 02/29

This week we had design review presentations, which was actually really useful. We got a lot of constructive feedback that forced us to really think through each part of our design. The block diagrams we made for the design review especially helped us figure out 

Neeti’s Status Report for 02/29

Neeti’s Status Report for 02/29

This week I worked on making a lot of the design choices for our project as well as the slides for the design review presention. I spent last weekend researching the different parts available to us and the pros and cons of each of these parts. I asked my father who has worked with RPis before, for input on which sensors to use as well as the necessity of a stepper motor hat. I looked into the specific stepper motor hat to use that would be compatible with the RPi 4 B as well as the specific stepper motor size and precision that we wanted. I did further research on the library and how to use the PWM controller class as well as the specific objects to create and methods to use. I looked at the link from the previous status report to decide what camera to use as the project application was similar and needed 8mp image quality as well. I created the hardware and software block diagrams to flesh out the details of how each of the hardware components would connect to one another as well as to concretize the software interfaces.

Gauri and I also worked on finishing the slides last weekend by further doing research on OpenCV, pyGame, establishing TCP connection between RPis and justifications for each of our part choices. Shrutika, Gauri and I then worked together to finalize the new schedule and our new approach for processing audio sensor data.

On Monday, we ordered all of the parts we decided on and did some further research on the microphones we want to use, as the ones we had initially thought of did not have good reviews. Shrutika and I also came up with some testing metrics and steps for our project as well as some of the risk factors to consider. On Tuesday, I practiced the design review presentation in front of Gauri and a couple of friends.

This week we also watched all the E and C teams’ design review presentations and submitted our peer reviews!

Gauri’s Status Report for 02/29

Gauri’s Status Report for 02/29

This week we spent most of our time on our design review presentation, finalizing parts and design decisions regarding interface communications, etc.  We met a couple times last weekend and once during the week to get these done and help Neeti rehearse.  Yesterday we met 

Neeti’s Status Report for 02/22

Neeti’s Status Report for 02/22

This week I worked on doing research for the design review while Gauri and Shrutika figured out how to ssh into the Pis. This was due to the fact that there are only two Pis and I did not have a USB to USB-c cable 

Gauri’s Status Report for 02/22

Gauri’s Status Report for 02/22

This week I mainly worked with Shrutika to try to figure out how to ssh into the Pi’s.  Initially, our plan had been to use the RPi GUI by connecting it through an HDMI cable to our laptops and then easily setup everything (in the way that the official RPi tutorials explained).  However, we weren’t able to find the right adapter/cable since the RPi 4 needs a micro-HDMI.  We didn’t want to waste any more time ordering parts and so I started researching how we could begin using the Pi without this cable.  I remembered that we’d ssh’ed directly into the Pi in embedded and began researching how to do that for our new Pis.

This turned out to be way more complicated than any of us expected.  The process differed from embedded because in that, we had already setup and tested UART before trying to setup wifi in the last lab and here we didn’t have that.  It was pretty easy to connect to raspberrypi.local with the Pi connected to my laptop through an ethernet cable, but then when we wanted to connect it to a wifi network the steps differed.  Once Shrutika figured out that it was possible to connect to her home wifi network, we assumed it would be easy to repeat the process on CMU networks.  That didn’t work.  I found out that there is apparently a small difference between the ethernet MAC address and the wifi MAC address on every device (and we’d been registering with the ethernet MAC addr instead of the wifi one).  Once we changed this, it took a day to register and then worked.

Apart from this, I spent some time researching the way we’d use the camera and OpenCV to do gesture detection (building an ML model, etc) and also briefly looked into the available GPIO libraries.  Since we took basically an entire week to get the Pis setup, we definitely underestimated the effort some things might take.  We are still not really behind since our main goal is to get manual mode working by spring break and I think we can still accomplish at least most of that.

Over the next week I hope to get our motor control working with Neeti while Shrutika simultaneously works on Pi-Pi communication.  We will also be spending some time on the design review report and presentation prep.

Shrutika’s Status Report for 02/22

Shrutika’s Status Report for 02/22

This week I spent a lot of time being able to ssh onto the Raspberry Pis. There’s a lot of guidance online but it differs by network, especially since we wanted to use the school network, and a lot of them assume you have all 

Team Status Update for 02/22

Team Status Update for 02/22

This week we actually got started on setting up and working with the raspberry pis. A major issue we realized this week was again … lack of time. We didn’t realize how long it would take to do some of the tasks we assumed would 

Gauri’s Status Report for 02/15

Gauri’s Status Report for 02/15

First status report!  We had multiple meetings this week to discuss which parts to order, collect and evaluate whether the RPi ZW would work for our project, read and figure out how to set up the SD cards to boot Raspbian OS onto the RPi 4.  We also met with a mechanical engineer friend today to get some guidance on how to design our rotating platform and how it would connect to the motor and how the wiring between the Pi, motor and sensors would fit in.  We spent some time setting up our blog as well. 🙂

In addition, this week I read chapters 1-3 of the textbook and did the reading assignment.  I also spent some time going over the methods Neeti and I learned in our Embedded projects (2 and 4) where we implemented servo motor control using PWM to control the angle of the motor and Pi-Pi networked PID communication between two DC motors on different Pis.  I figured that for this project our requirements are slightly different but similar ideas could apply.  We essentially want to control the motor using either “left” or “right” instructions and rotate the motor by some fixed angle at some fixed speed in whichever direction the signal specifies.

We are not really behind on our original schedule but we have not started some things we hoped to start this week because we do not have all the parts we need yet.  We hope that we will be able to catch up by next week once the RPis arrive and we can officially start working with the hardware.

By next week, I think Neeti and I should have figured out how to control a motor with an RPi 4 (hopefully both speed and angle).  Since this is similar to our Embedded projects, we think it should be doable in a few days once we have the Pis.


Shrutika’s Status Report for 02/15

Shrutika’s Status Report for 02/15

Weekly post #1! This week was a lot of working together as a team to make major decisions – we had several meetings including outside of class time to choose and order parts, and begin to work with what we have. We aren’t really behind