Akash’s Status Report for 3/14

Before spring break we were working on the design review document and through our presentation, we got some new ideas and metrics that we could potentially include in our project. So in the week before break, I was trying to come up with ways we could possibly implement those ideas into our project, if at all. At the same time, I was continuing my research on the Android step detection functions and working on the details of the song selection algorithm. One important decision I think we came to as a group, that should be noted, is that we would rather play the same song multiple times than a song that doesn’t warp well.

Over the break, we found out that classes would be moving online and we would likely not be meeting each other for the rest of the semester. It will make it a little more difficult to work on the project, but because we split it evenly, it should still be doable to finish.

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