I was working on the SPI connection between Decawave chip and the Raspberry Pi. I wrote the code to send messages over SPI for the chip and flashed the code onto a chip. Also started on the wiring for the SPI connection, but didn’t have the necessary parts. I also started on the Raspberry Pi side of the SPI communication.
My plan was to get the SPI connection working and Raspberry Pi to timestamp the data during spring break. I was going to do it during the second half of the week when, I got back to Pittsburgh, but since classes got moved online and it was undecided how the project would move forward, I decided to wait. So if we continue on with our current schedule I will be a little behind. But the focus for the beginning of this week is testing the E2E Blink Delta Proof of Concept, so I can hopefully get the SPI working and we can test this part by midweek.
I’m not sure what my actual deliverables for next week will be since our project is very likely to change due to the remote instruction. Assuming our project stays the same, next week I will get the Raspberry Pi and chip communicating using SPI, the Raspberry Pi will timestamp the data.