Aditi’s Status Report 4/19
This week, we spent a lot of time working together and integrating the system. All our work was done together over zoom calls. We hit several milestones – – We integrating the two main parts of the project we were working on thus far. I pulled in the navigation/path planning code that Shanel and Alex had, and we merged it with the roomba movement/slam code I had on the raspberry pi. – We met the milestone of getting the slam…
Aditi’s Status Report 4/11
In the first half of this week, I wrote a script that took commands in real time to move the robot, and simultaneously supplied these as odometry measurements to the SLAM, and at the end of a 30 second time frame saved the generated map. The position of the roomba is displayed as a series of points. Here, the contours of the room in the area that the robot managed to explore, including the bottom left corner and the walls…
Aditi’s status report 4/5
This week, I used BreeySLAM (a SLAM package in python) while moving the robot with commands in real time over SSH to generate several different maps – with scans from a single point, the SLAM was not accurate and noisy. With multiple scans generated from the robot moving in a line, the map is more coherent although the dimensions look a little off (the map looks too small to represent my room, so the SLAM seems to be extrapolating the…
Aditi’s status report 3/29
This week I finally obtained the parts on Tuesday. On Wednesday during the remote class work session, I borrowed my roommates monitor and keyboard to set up ssh on my raspberry pi. Since I do not currently own a monitor and keyboard, I will be using ssh until the monitor and keyboard we ordered arrives. I later spent a few hours trying to install cartographer onto the raspberry Pi. I was unable to do so successfully. In our remote work…
Team Status Report 3/22
This week, the team focused on refactoring the project to meet the project goals with the coronovirus quarantines in place, and each member working remotely. Aditi is the only once in Pittsburgh. We had a few zoom meetings to discuss the future trajectory of the project. We came up with the following concerns over out original project – – All parts located in Pittsburgh while most of the team is not. – Not able to test on original test cases….
Aditi’s Status Report 3/22
This week, I worked with the team to refactor the project in order to meet or our goals. We are in different locations, and I am the only one in Pittsburgh. Therefore, I would be the only one having access to the robot hardware. Keeping this in mind, we decided to make the following changes: – We want to limit robot assembly and in person testing. To do this, we removed the CV portion of the project. This includes door…
Aditi’s Status Report for 2/29
This week, I gave a presentation on the design of our project. Later during the weekend, I helped the rest of the team create the design report document as well as set up the Roomba iCreate and the the raspberry Pi. We decided that we would add more ultrasonic sensors to the robot to help it avoid bumping into obstacles like tables. I created the following diagram that illustrates this (and added it to the document): I also updated parts…
Aditi’s Update 2/23
This week we received the components, including the Roomba, the Rapsberry Pi, the lidar and the camera module. The RPI did not come with an SD card, so we had to find one and install the OS onto it. I managed to get one from ideate, and we placed an order for an SD card. Additionally, we discovered that we received a Roomba 1, which was released in 2007 has far less documentation and support than the Roomba 2. We…
Aditi’s Update 2/15
This Week I accomplished the following tasks this week: A lot of my time this week was spent designing the block diagram for our project with Shanel. This involved figuring out the connections between each of the main components – Raspberry Pi, Lidar, Power Bank, Roomba (iCreate 2), and raspberry camera module. I discovered that the raspberry Pi contained a special pins for raspberry camera module. I worked on miscellaneous parts of the Design Presentation. We decided that I would…