Here’s our final report:
Month: May 2020
Final Video
Team Status Update for May 2 2020
Now that we’re heading into the last week of the semester, the main risk to our project seems to be the lack of ready communication between the team member responsible for integrating the various components of our project and the rest of the team. This would have been tolerable earlier in the semester, but now it seriously threatens our ability to complete this project. As a contingency, we collected a cell phone number from the person in question, and will call him for status updates if he remains uncommunicative.
No changes to the overall system design or schedule have materialized, thankfully. We’d have pictures of the full project by now, if not for the aforementioned lack of communication. As a result, we’ll be showing the full project for the first time in the demo video due on May 4.
Yuyi Shen’s Status Report for May 2 2020
This week, I started preparing for the demo video due on May 4. This primarily consisted of setting up an OpenShot file for inserting our video and audio files:
I also set up the beginnings of a slide deck on ( to serve as an initial part of the demo video:
I intend for this slide deck to be used to introduce the general project topic/design, electrical systems, and computer vision component before seguing into a recording by Kenny using our actual project. Recordings of this slide deck using OBS-studio will be stitched together with voice recordings and background music using the OpenShot instance shown earlier.
Next week, I’ll be working on the final report, and working with Kenny to get the demonstration setup and recorded. I think that’ll be all for capstone this semester.