Ever since the last update, CMU’s Spring Break has ended and an ensuing rush to coordinate classes has begun. This time, for 18-500, has particularly been a frenzy considering the heavily hardware-oriented portions of our project. With existing parts at unreachable locations in Pittsburgh and all team members scattered across different cities, integration of the three subsystems has become particularly restricted.

As a result, we have built a Statement of Work document to explain all predicted updates / modifications to the plans of the project. This file has been uploaded to the website and describes the full details of all updates made across the three subsystems and their integration. As a summary:

  • The CSM will be run and tested on Ike’s Macbook, as opposed to the originally intended Jetson Nano. This computer becomes the new target of Bluetooth communication with the iOS app and forces the actual GPIO signals that would have come from the Jetson to instead be modeled / tested using the Macbook’s stdout.
  • Perception work will be tested utilizing existing video found online as opposed to a live feed from a Picamera. Beyond this change, Perception work should likely not change due to its modular and independently workable structure.
  • The system’s hardware will fortunately remain mostly the similar to our existing design since Thor has a significant development setup back home and has already reordered and received parts. The only exception being the Jetson and Camera, for which the remainder of the hardware will be set up for easy integration.

Integration of all subsystems is the most updated portion of the development process. Since all members are distributed across different cities and no one member could carry the entirety of the integration work, connecting the software portions to their hardware counterparts will not be possible; however, the points of interaction between hardware and software can be modeled so as any group of developers could integrate them with ease. Fortunately, software to software integration can be done remotely and therefore the Perception pipeline can be brought into the System Control suite without physical proximity issues. More details can be found in the “Statement of Work” file under the website’s “Documents” tab.


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